About Me
Award winning Therapist
Hello I'm Fiona Partridge MHs B and I own and run Inner Spiritual Journey.
My Journey began way back when I was born on 22nd Decemeber and became my Uncle’s 18th birthday present.
Throughout my life Jonner my Uncle told me that I was a Healer and that I am meant to Teach and help other people.
Fast forward a few years and in 2007 I took my first tentative steps into the world of Holistic Therapies as I undertook my Reiki One course.
In 2014 ISJ bloomed into life and I undertook my Reiki Master Teacher training.
Since that day I’m honoured to say the Training Academy and Therapy Centre has gone from strength to strength.
My Qualifications
Bachelor of Metaphysical Humanistic Science
Level 3 Award in Education and Training
Reiki Grand Master
Reiki Master Teacher
Crystal Reiki Master
Golden Angelic Teacher
Mediation Master Teacher
Life Coach
Hopi Ear Candle Therapist
Indian Head Massage Therapist
Oracle Card Reader
Certified Angel Guide (Kyle Gray)